Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Because I haven't blogged in awhile....

....and because I don't really want to study for the midterm I have tomorrow, I thought I'd write a blog.

Recently you guys have been able to see the many feats of our dog Apollo. We're always intrigued by what he's willing to do for a treat, and we're glad to share them with everyone.

I've been pretty busy myself these days between work, school, wedding planning, more school, trying to sleep and eat on a regular basis and still nurture myself and my relationship it's been a hectic few months.

While Scott and I were lucky to get most of the wedding details squared away before I went back to school, I find that the deadlines I had so carefully set back in July and August are slowly creeping up on me. Right now I'm in the middle of midterms, papers and projects and up to my eyeballs in the group process, I'm finding it a little hard to keep up with and find time for all those little details. Oh, and there's this gigantic Master's Project I'm supposed to be working on too. Yeah, totally need to get on the ball for that one.

I am however, blessed to have the amazing support of my family, especially my mom, and my best friend Jessica who are oh-so-wonderfully planning my bridal shower in Southern California. I am also amazed at the constant patience and support that Scott shows me in so many different ways as he also "suffers" through the trails of graduate school with me. Just this evening as I was working on my 3rd and hopefully final genogram, he looked over at me and said "You're doing another one? You've done like 3 since we've been together! I'm glad I'm not in school anymore." Yet he still puts up with me and all my conjecturing about Family Systems Theory, Families of Origin, and all those other theoretical, therapeutic and psychological things I'm learning and immersing myself in.

It's interesting to be involved in a program that encourages self-exploration, family history and research and patterns of behavior among many many many more things. But it is interesting to be given the opportunity to really take 2 years out of your life and study yourself. I think of the multitude of things I've learned and have yet to learn, the people I've had the opportunity to influence and who have also influenced me, and I can only think that I am truly blessed to be on the path that I'm on.

Just today in one of my classes we were talking about Tao Fa or Chinese watercourse way. It's a Cross-Cultural Counseling Class (what an alliteration!), and it talks about rivers being on a journey to the ocean, and that they change everything they touch. That in the course of the river flowing, everything it touches is changed and altered. As I pondered this concept, metaphor really, I thought of myself as the Earth and all the people in my life that are rivers. There is my mother, who is the strongest, deepest and widest river crossing my landscape. A silent, everpresent force that's been guiding me and shaping me. There's Joe, my dad, who's a little less deep, but just as constant, but with a few more rapids and turns. And then there's Scott, who enters about halfway down the landscape, and has carved the deepest pools, has travelled the most curves and is full of the waterfalls that fill my heart. Before I go on and on about different people in my life, I just don't have the room to list them all, I just want to add that water is such a significant metaphor for anyone really. Sometimes we have rain in our lives, storms that seem like they never will pass. Sometimes we have lazy turning rivers and streams that allows us to meander at our own pace, but we also have the water that fills us with Life, that causes our cup to runneth over and fill our hearts with joy.

I just thought that those were some beautiful thoughts and images that I had on this fine Monday evening, and wished to impart them all to you! Maybe I'll start a regular Monday blog with my thoughts from my cultural musings from class.


Larissa said...

You know there is a website where you can put your bloginto a book, when you are married you should take all that you both wrote up to now and have them bind it up for you! Wouldn't that be fun to lok back on when you've been married 10 yrs??

Love ya!

Jenn said...

That would be really cool. Scott's Mom mentioned something along those lines earlier. It will be interesting to check it out after 10 years or so! Love you!

Some of Jenn's Favorite Books

  • A Clockwork Orange
  • Calvin & Hobbes
  • Fight Club
  • Great Expectations
  • Lucky
  • MacBeth
  • Mere Christianity
  • Midnight Bayou
  • Northern Lights
  • Posionwood Bible
  • Pretense
  • Pride & Prejudice
  • Queen's Own Fool
  • Terry Goodkind Books
  • The Age of Innoncence
  • The Case for Christ
  • The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
  • The Lovely Bones
  • The Other Boleyn Girl
  • The Red Tent
  • The Secret of Dragonhome
  • The Virgin's Lover